30 november 2010

Today // Love this color.

Love the color of my new cardigan!  :)

This is what I'm wearing today:
Cardigan - Bershka
Shirt - QueensWardrobe
Skinny jeans - H&M
Wedges - River Island
Belt & Bag - Primark
Scarf - Pieces
xoxo irene

29 november 2010

My Favourite Blogs

I made a list of my favourite blogs the other day, I thought it would be nice to share it with you guys! I made a top 10 of it, so here are my favourites:

Blog 1: Mariannan

 Blog 2:LYMLRS
Blog 3: LisaPlace

Blog 4: Raspberry Jam
Blog 5: Mode-Rosa
Blog 6: No Fashion Victims
Blog 7: AfterDRK
Blog 8: Style by Kling
Blog 9: Style Scrapbook
Blog 10: Fashion Hedonism

If you click on the blognames, you will go to their blog. Hope you like them, and i'm very curious to what's your personal favourite blog.. So tell me! ;)

xoxo irene

27 november 2010

Today // Simple

So hows your weekend so far? Mine is great.
Thursday night I was standing in the Jimmy Woo in Amsterdam, and the whole So You Think You Can Dance group was there!! (except for the finalists) I Really love that show, so I was really excited! They all were very kind and funny, and great dancers! So I had an amazing night. The day after, I went shopping in the new H&M on "de dam" in Amsterdam. Great store, bought some nice new cardigan and a new sweater.
And tonight I'm going to the cinema with my dear friend, we are going to watch a dutch horror film called "Sint". I wonder if it is a good movie, haha but it looks funny to me.

So I wish you all a great saturday night!
xoxo Irene

On the pictures:
Blouse + shirt - H&M
Pants - Only
Shoes - eBay
Scarf - Pieces

24 november 2010

Today // I ♥ my parka

Did anyone get something from the Lanvin for H&M collection? I did not get any. I didn't like the collection that much, there were some lovely pieces, but I think the prices were way to high for me.. :( 
This is what I wore today while I was doing some "sinterklaas" (the dutch Santa Claus) shopping:

Parka - Primark
Denim blouse - New Look
Jeans, shoes and shirt - H&M
Scarf - Pieces
Bag - ZARA

xoxo irene 

22 november 2010

Today // Cape

What I'm wearing:
Cape - Asos
White dress - H&M
Shoes - River Island
Belt - Primark
Scarf - Pieces

xoxo irene

20 november 2010

Today // Black And Camel

Oversized cardigan - Bershka
Shirt - H&M
Skinny jeans - H&M
Circle scarf - Pieces
Faux fur hat - H&M 

Have a nice weekend!
xoxo irene

18 november 2010

New Ring

Yeah I found this beautiful ring at H&M last week, and I totally adore it! What do you think of it?

ps. thank you for all the sweet comments and hair advice!!! Really appreciate it!
xoxo irene

17 november 2010

Today // Fur and Leather

As my loyal followers probably already noticed, I have my hair lately in a casual bun right on my head. I don't do this because I think it is so damn pretty (not) :p, but I have real hair problems. My hear is really damaged by all the straightening and blow drying I have been doing lately. So now I'm trying to put new live in to my hair by not straighten and blow dry it any more. At least not when it is not necessary (school days).
If anyone have further any good advice for how to heal damaged hair (or recommend some kind of shampoo), it's more then welcome!

So this is what I wore today:
Faux fur waistcoat - New Yorker
Shirt - H&M
Leather look pants - Only 
Shoes - eBay

xoxo irene

15 november 2010

Today // All Black

Sweater - H&M
Leather look pants - Only
Shoes - eBay

xoxo irene

PS. I found some great music:
Dashboard Confessional - Blame it on the changes - Here
Mêlée - What good is love - Here

12 november 2010

Outfit // New Dress

This is my lovely new dress from New Yorker, bought it in sale for only €14!! Great how a shop like New Yorker can suprise me with lovely cheap clothes :D. I love the shape of the dress, it looks playfull and chic. I'm wearing the dress during this cold days with my chunky knit cardigan and my black circle scarf (from pieces). Further I'm wearing my black ankle boots from Bullboxer and my cross necklace from the online shop (hippe-hebbedingetjes.nl).  Hope you like it :)

xoxo irene

11 november 2010


Can't wait till they arive, my new faux fur coat and nice new shoes from H&M.
xoxo irene

9 november 2010

Look of the day // brrrrrr it's cold outside

Brrrrrrrrr... It's getting really cold outside. So nice warm clothes are not unnecessary. I bought this faux fur waist coat at New Yorker's yesterday. I went all the way to university to find out that the college I was supposed to be attending, was off that day.. So I used the opportunity to do some shopping :)! I also bought a lovely dress and some new pants, which I will show you soon! 

For now, this is what i'm wearing:
Waistcoat - New Yorker
Shirt -H&M
Pants - Zara
Shoes - Bullboxer 

xoxo irene

4 november 2010

Quick pictures.

Blazer: H&M
Shirt : H&M
Skirt: H&M
Belt: Primark

1 november 2010

It's getting darker and darker outside, i'm really missing summer right now. But I like to dress up for these cold days. Bought this faux fur hat at H&M and faux fur details socks by cheap-ass store Action :), they give my suede boots a whole new look! 

So this is what i'm wearing:
Cardigan: Vero Moda
Shirt & skirt & hat & shoes: H&M
Owl necklace: Primark
Belt: Pieces
Faux fur socks: Action

xoxo Irene